Isnin, 15 Oktober 2012

Asas pembudayaan keusahawanan

Assalamualaikum wbt and very good evening…=)

My name is Nurul Ain binti Hashim from group 10..
I’m a team leader for my group which have 7 members included myself…
My dearest members are Nur Hanis Wahidah bt Mansor , NurFailisa bt Mohd Maskuri , Nurul Afida bt Zainal Abidin , Nurul Hidayatul Fathiah bt Abd Razak , Nurul Iffah bt Mat Hassan and Nurul Muliani bt Mohd Isa .

                           At the beginning of learning, we tested with two puzzles game by Mr. Bernand.
What I’d learnt in APK class last Friday about entrepreneurship and entrepreneur . We are also exposed to entrepreneurial book can also be found on the internet without having to buy it.  
We also given some homework about identify 2 industries , find out problems history and who had the problem.

 My friends and I hope through this subject we will get and learn a variety of input about the entrepreneurs to use in the future.
Thats all for today and thank you for visiting our blog.

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