Isnin, 22 Oktober 2012

Identify problems in the industry and solve it.

hello guys!!
at the week 6 we have learned about to identify problems in the industry and how to solve this problem.
my  group had choose frozen food industry.
we  have identified the problem in this industry ,the problem and the solution  is:

The first problem in terms of production, Malaysia deemed high-cost producers and lack of technical knowledge, less sophisticated in machine tools and other appropriate difficulty getting raw materials.

so,the solution is government urged to develop the infrastructure to support the industry that will provide diversity of products to meet consumer needs.

The industry is also facing the problem of the level of acceptance that consumers still think fresh food better than cold and frozen food.

We think we should have greater advertising, whether print or electronic media to give consumer more information that frozen food is good because frozen food have certain stage before do packaging.


Another problem,  Intense competition for a lot of people were involved in frozen.

we   need to have a marketing strategy .-know hot spot (busy lives that require frozen foods).

And the last problem is Foods frozen are not durable.

we should do experiment to all product  to identify the food frozen problem and  do proper packaging of frozen foods so durable.

Isnin, 15 Oktober 2012

Asas pembudayaan keusahawanan

Assalamualaikum wbt and very good evening…=)

My name is Nurul Ain binti Hashim from group 10..
I’m a team leader for my group which have 7 members included myself…
My dearest members are Nur Hanis Wahidah bt Mansor , NurFailisa bt Mohd Maskuri , Nurul Afida bt Zainal Abidin , Nurul Hidayatul Fathiah bt Abd Razak , Nurul Iffah bt Mat Hassan and Nurul Muliani bt Mohd Isa .

                           At the beginning of learning, we tested with two puzzles game by Mr. Bernand.
What I’d learnt in APK class last Friday about entrepreneurship and entrepreneur . We are also exposed to entrepreneurial book can also be found on the internet without having to buy it.  
We also given some homework about identify 2 industries , find out problems history and who had the problem.

 My friends and I hope through this subject we will get and learn a variety of input about the entrepreneurs to use in the future.
Thats all for today and thank you for visiting our blog.